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We thank Thee for Thy Abundance

We thank Thee for Thy Abundance
Genesis 1:29

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Becoming Raw

January 26, 2011

Day 5 100% RAW, because of "Becoming Raw"!

You have GOT to read it! I can't say more about how when you KNOW something. The WHY it's good to do it. Then it's so, so, so much easier to DO it!

That is all I have to say about this! Knowledge IS power! :)

I have to go and keep reading.....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cavities? Root Canals? Crowns? Teeth!? Why?

January 13, 2011

I went to the dentist today to get my tooth ready for a crown. YUK! Why? Why do we have teeth that need dental work? How would it be if we didn't have dentists? What did Adam and Eve do? Did THEY floss?? I mean seriously, what is the deal? Anyone??

I'm doing good (health and raw for 5 days!) I'm tired (working hard). I'm frustrated (work). But I am happy, grateful, full of hope, and feeling good.

This has just filled me with hope for mankind:

"Following the necessary experience of mortal life, ALL sons and daughters of God will ultimately be resurrected and go to a kingdom of glory more wonderful that any mortal can comprehend. With only a FEW exceptions, even the very wicked will ultimately go to a marvelous-though lesser- kingdom of glory. All of this will occur because of God's GREAT LOVE for His children, and it is all made possible because of the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ." Elder Dallin H. Oaks January 2011 Ensign.

Breakfast: Green smoothie
Snack: Bananas with Cashew Cream
Lunch: Veggie Sandwich

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's the pain....

January 11, 2011, 1-11-11

A friend of mine told me that whenever we see 11111 (ones) it means that angels are communicating with us. It's a small sign of their presence. Hmm?

Today being my 3rd day of 100% rawness I am feeling the "nakedness".

At the bottom of my cumpulsion to eat, and I say compulsion because it's not just hunger. Is a strong desire, compulsion, to fill myself with pleasure to fill a void, a pit, a hole, a wound of.........pain. It's no surprise to me. I've known this for a long time. I also know that I'm not alone....
I feel so much compassion for others. For their pains. Pains we all have to endure and overcome and fill with love. Others may have a laundry list of drugs of choice. Mine is food.
Oh. The. PAIN!
I could list them all here....but I won't.

I feel naked today. You know? When you stand in the mirror completely naked? You see it all. Well, I am feeling it all today. It hurts and there is nowhere to hide. I just fall to my knees and pray. I give it to the Lord. He will heal me.

I've come here to blog and resisted the temptation to "fill the abyss".
And boy, did I have the temptations! Literal visions of what I will eat and where I will get it and when and how and "Do it now!" But I resisted. Just the thought of having to be accountable again. Blogging. My support group.

I was reading a blog of someone I know called SAVE THE FOOD. She just started a diet and is a therapist. I totally relate to her because she too is an actress and a performer and I think has the same anxieties as I do of "having to look good" etc.

Anyway, she gives herself "credit" at the end of her blogs for the good she sees in herself. I like that. I think I will do that too!

I have told her that I love raw foods and how much it has helped me. She just doesn't want to believe. Anyway, she is all concerned about calories and sticking to a strict regime. If she would just eat raw, her high blood pressure and hypoglycemia would go away. Period. Oh, and she would lose all of the excess weight. Period.
Oh well, whaddaya do? You can't force people. You just have to be the messenger and example.

I'm all over the place.....

I was thinking about how when I stuff myself with foods that are bad for me to feel better (only makes me feel worse cuz now I'm sick) to numb the pain, still works when you're raw! You can stuff yourself with raw food, feel better and the pain starts to heal. And you start to come out of the pit of depression and your body starts to look and feel fantastic and you feel better. It works. It does, because it has! It IS the answer to using food as a drug. It's like having an addiction to reading and so you start reading the Gospel! You are blessed for the good "drug" the good choice. There is no BAD side effect to raw food. There is no BAD side effect of reading the word of God.

So as for me today I will stuff myself with goodness. Listen to and read God's word. Pray. Pray. And pray some more. And eat all the raw food I want!

CREDIT: I have come so far and improved so much in the past 3 years!

Breakfast: 32 oz. Green smoothie of blueberries, banana, orange, lime, spinach, chia seeds and Udo's Oil.

Snack: Apple

Lunch: Cashews and Red Grapes

Snack: Kale chips

Monday, January 10, 2011

Que Paso??

January 10, 2011

Happy New Year!

I guess I needed to re learn once again what I already know....

On Christmas Day I decided to eat my fantastic cooked dinner. I've been sick ever since! (Not so fantastic!)
How did it happen?? Well, I stopped doing the things I said I needed to do everyday:

1. write my blog
2. read about raw food
3. prepare staples once a week.
4. I HAVE kept up the support group...THAT"S good right! Not totally off the wagon!

I got so busy with Christmas, that I neglected to do the basics for me. To keep me balanced and taken care of. You can't keep up with the stress of Christmas if you don't take care of yourself first!

I have to add here that it also helps to keep up the spiritually nourishing things as well, which parallel the physical:

1. write in your journal
2. read your scriptures
3. pray
4. go to church
5. repent

REPENTANCE is so important! It is difficult, but we pick up ourselves and make the changes we need to to improve.

So here I go:

Breakfast: 40 0z. Kale, Cucumber, Celery, Carrot, Apple, Mint Juice.

Lunch: Raw Veggie Sandwich and 2 Raw Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies.

Snack: Pistachios

Dinner: Apple