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We thank Thee for Thy Abundance

We thank Thee for Thy Abundance
Genesis 1:29

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 9 - Juice Feast

March 11, 2010

Weight: 141.4

Today's Juice's:

2 oz. wheatgrass

Breakfast: celery, apple, carrot, chard, kale, cabbage, sunflower sprouts

Lunch: orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime

Dinner: cucumber, celery, carrot, beet with greens, kale, ginger, garlic, sunflower sprouts, broccoli

Symptoms: I feel good! A little bit of lightheaded slightly off feeling, some kidney discomfort, gas, a little bit bloated.

I woke up feeling good. I did feel ready for my colonic though today. I have felt a little bit bloated and gassy, and after going to the bathroom yesterday, I felt like there was more in there to clean out. My husband went with me today to go see Marilyn . I was anxious to get going and get as much out as possible. Especially worms! I prayed that today would be productive, and it was. There were quite a lot of worms that came out! I couldn't believe it! Marilyn said that they are normal and come from eating meat and animal products! So...if that doesn't inspire you to at least become a Vegan, I don't know what to tell you?

I am amazed at how good I feel living on juice! Gosh, I thought I would be starving all the time!
I have to remind myself to take it easy and rest, knowing that the energy saved can go toward healing and repair.

I turned on the T.V. and Oprah was on and was doing a show called Food 101. I was so excited to hear what they were talking about; eating free range organic meats and dairy products, Alicia Silverstone (used to be raw) talking about her new book "The Kind Diet" which is a vegan diet. They also talked about "Food Inc." It's an amazing documentary about the animal slaughtering and torturing business, which, by the way, was up for an Oscar. also made an offer that anyone who purchased the DVD by midnight tonight, could get it for $9.99.
I wish I had caught the first half of the show. I wonder what they talked about there??

I am so excited about this because, when Oprah talks...people listen, and BUY! Especially corporations and companies obey Oprah. This is HUGE, because I can bet you money that we will VERY SOON be seeing fast food chains stepping up to the plate! Just watch! People will buy the DVD and Americans will start becoming more conscious about food and how it really gets to the table. Wake up America! Thank you Oprah for bringing this into the forefront!

Good website:

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