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We thank Thee for Thy Abundance

We thank Thee for Thy Abundance
Genesis 1:29

Friday, February 14, 2020


Hello Everyone!                                                                                                 Valentines Day 2020

I know it's been a VERY long time since I've blogged. But I'M STILL HERE!!! It's been since October of 2008 that I have known about our natural diet of living foods. I knew right away that this is the healthiest way to eat. The way we were meant to eat. I have been on a journey of unlearning and letting go of cooked foods ever since. I have been all raw, high raw, and mostly raw ever since. Today I celebrate being 100% for one month. I celebrate overcoming the addiction to cooked food. I celebrate letting go of the cycle of self-abuse. I celebrate letting go of the chains that have bound me for my entire life. I say letting go because it has ALWAYS BEEN ME that has held on to the chains. All I needed to do was to let go. I see that clearly now.

I CHOOSE total, vibrant health beyond my wildest imagination. I CHOOSE self-respect. I CHOOSE self-love. I CHOOSE LIFE and LIVING FOOD for my body, mind & soul. If you do the math you will see that it has taken me 11 years & 3 months to get to this point and I don't regret a single day of it. I mean, it's been all of those days that have led me to this one. It's been all of the lessons repeated, again, and again, and again, and again for hundreds and hundreds of days for me to finally "get it". Eating the things I thought I wanted at the time, NEVER. EVER. EVER made me as completely happy as I feel eating the things that REALLY DO make me happy. Because the lust for the temporary mouth pleasure only created self-loathing and disgust, disrespecting of my knowing and my soul. Suffering, sickness, and dis-ease in my body and mind. I finally really REALLY want to get on the other side of "detoxing". Oh. My. Goodness! I FINALLY got tired of repeating the same process over and over, again. and again. and again. and again. I FINALLY said, "NO MORE!!!" I have been the literal definition of "insane" always somehow expecting different results. I have made more excuses and rationalizations that I can count. Well. NO. MORE.

I have had really amazing days this last month, but a whole heck of a lot of detoxing days...I know that this comes with the intense cleaning that the body so incredibly is designed to do. But despite this, in this short period, I can already tell that my body is all fired up and energized and vibrating at a higher frequency than it does when I'm eating even only one cooked meal a day! It's just remarkable! The LS returned last December 2018. It was rock bottom for me. 2019 was difficult because I couldn't muster the willpower to go "all the way"....until something clicked for me on January 14th, 2020. I don't know what it was really. All I can say is that it was the past 11 years & 3 months. The miracle of all of this is that in just 3 weeks the LS went away. 3 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!

I am grateful. I am full of love. I am at ease. I am enjoying every meal. I am enjoying how I feel. I am excited to get to the other side of detoxing. All the way to the other side. I am excited to see what that feels like. I am excited to fully be alive for the next 50 years of my life. I am fulfilled with what God has provided for food. I love it. It loves me. And that, my friends, is how I believe it is meant to be. High VIBE! High LIFE! High LOVE for God, others and self.